Hands-on Workshop

Enforce Security Policies over API Requests with Istio

Get a first hand look at how teams are using Istio to manage distributed microservice architecture and OPA as a policy enforcement engine.

September 22nd | 9:00am PT | 12:00pm ET

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In this workshop, you will learn how OPA embedded in Istio data plane can be used as an authorization service to enforce security policies over API requests received by Istio. Join our expert Styra Director of Solution Architecture, Peter Sullivan, for a one-hour, guided workshop where you will set-up and enforce API authorization policies for a sample application. Plus, we will also cover how to author, test and deploy authorization policies using Styra DAS Free, a control plane for OPA from the founders and maintainers of OPA.

Now for the Details: 

In this live session, September 22nd at 10:00am PT, we’ll walk you through the Styra DAS Istio Quickstart Tutorial so you can:

  • Use Open Policy Agent (OPA) with Istio’s open source service mesh to manage a distributed microservice architecture
  • Leverage Envoy proxy as a sidecar injected into pods to regulate the network traffic on all pod instances in the mesh
  • Author policies over the HTTP request body
  • Enforce ingress and egress policies
  • Validate policy before enforcement to eliminate human error and accidental breakages

Prerequisites & Technical Requirements:

  • Istio 1.9.2 or later installed on Kubernetes 1.20 or later
  • To run the tutorial locally, Styra recommends that you use minikube version v1.0+ with Kubernetes 1.20 and install Istio
  • Sign up for Styra DAS Free

Cloud native

Entitlement Explosion Repair

Join Styra and PACLabs on April 11 for a webinar exploring how organizations are using Policy as Code for smarter Access Control.

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